Hey Honey, Don’t Mow that Lawn!

Early spring is one of the most crucial times for bee survival. Not just honey bees, but mason and bumble bees require an early food source once they come out of dormancy, Here on the west coast that early food source is a common weed- the dandelion.

Dandelions have excellent pollen and nectar, both of which bees need to feed their brood (babies) and keep their hive alive until more flowering plants are available. Dandelions are hearty, robust and everywhere in the spring. They “ruin” our carefully maintained lawns, and show up in our hay fields and pastures. They will grow in forests and along the river, through pavement and in the garden. Their bright yellow heads and thick leaves reach up to the sun every day and close every night when the sun goes down.
The importance of this week to beekeepers and pollination crops cannot be over emphasised. So this spring, let your lawn grow! Let the dandelions bloom! Save the bees!


Springtime pests


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